
by Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Company Ltd.

Music & Audio


QQMusic serves billions of users with the right music anytime, and anywhere.

★ With millions of tracks on QQMusic, the right music is always at your fingertips whether youre working out, playing or relaxing.★QQMusic is free on mobile, tablet and computer. And most importantly, your playlists synch instantly on all your devices with a QQ account.★Diversified ways are here to discover music you will love. The latest hits, the artists or DJs you like, intelligent recommendation based on your listening history, your next favorite songs are waiting for you.★Sharing with your QQ and wechat friends or within your online social network, music pulls you closer. Note: QQMusic’s online streaming service is now only available within mainland China due to copyright.「播放」支持屏蔽不喜欢的歌曲或歌手,在播放时将自动为你跳过 ==往期更新==「搜索」增加听书搜索页,查找听书内容更方便「扑通」关注页面增加“我的话题”入口,轻松追踪话题新动向「分享」支持将歌词海报和音乐卡片一键分享到扑通动态

Read trusted reviews from application customers

8.❌无耻,竟然敢应用内更新。7.❌毫无创新,垃圾功能一大堆。6.❌越来越臃肿,越来越卡顿。5.❌这种流氓应用毫无底线,应该钉在耻辱柱,任其泛滥是对我们每个人的不负责任。4.❌垃圾推广一大堆。3.❌应用大小不能超过10M。 2.❌没有遵循 Android 11设计规范,在Android 11平台毫无创新功能和设计。1.❌功能设计乱七八糟,交互设计冗余繁琐,内容杂乱无章。 0.❌丧心病狂地耗电,肆无忌惮地占用后台,明火执杖(明目张胆)地要求太多不必要权限。


一般 广告太多了

Cry iTi

i love this app so much. unfortunately recently i can't use any more. because is not compatible with my device. but I use android 9. hopefully the problem can be resolve as soon as possible.

Jazzilyn Tong

how to make it in english?

PORLUCAS, Praisel B.

Amazing app

Shreya Chauhan


miray sudake

Worst app ever seen

Rishabh Agrawal

Easy to use Hope there will be no area limitation one day

Roger Deng

awesome app

Ching Fong Yung

